THE THRONE OF GRACE: Understanding the Blessedness of the Throne of Grace

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Short Description

This insightful book unveils to us the incalculable blessings of God’s Throne of Grace.
With the understanding that the journey of life navigates through different terrains of life: the good, the bad and the ugly times; this book avails to us the awesome privilege of approaching God’s Throne of Grace which reveals the overwhelming ability of God in the lives of all humanity as the custodian of the solutions to man’s diverse problems.

The superiority of God’s Throne in comparison to other thrones as illustrated in this book and the understanding of the fundamental requirements needed to be fulfilled by any earnest seeker of God’s intervention to maximally enjoy the benefits of God’s Throne of Grace makes the reading and comprehension of this book a never to be forgotten adventure.

In the race of life some fundamental challenges or problems are strong enough to sweep your feet off the ground., which the good God, your Maker is aware of, which will inevitably pull you to Him for His immediate help and intervention. To this effect, He has created a channel through which you and I can access His help invariably. Hebrews 4:16 calls it the “THE THRONE OF GRACE”.
“16 Let us, therefore, come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need”. (KJV).
Often, our significant needs as we journey on in life, from where we are, to where we want to be, as destined by God for us, are not material, monetary, or physical, instead, they are emotional and spiritual.
For instance, when sadness, depression, or loneliness assail us and overwhelms our souls. The only place we can go to for help is THE THRONE OF GRACE.
The book exposed the blessedness of understanding the different types and kinds of thrones that operate in our lives and how to overcome or approach them


A Profound Encounter with Divine Grace: “The Throne of Grace” by Pastor Moses Adedipe

“The Throne of Grace” by Pastor Moses Adedipe, published by Mercyland Publishing House, Houston Texas, is an awe-inspiring book that invites readers into a transformative encounter with the boundless grace of God. With its insightful teachings, heartfelt narratives, and captivating prose, this book showcases Pastor Moses Adedipe’s profound understanding of God’s grace and its transformative power in our lives.

Content and Structure:
“The Throne of Grace” is a well-structured book that explores the multifaceted nature of God’s grace. Each chapter delves into a different aspect of grace, unraveling its significance, its biblical foundations, and its practical application in our daily lives. Pastor Moses Adedipe seamlessly weaves together biblical references, personal stories, and spiritual insights, offering readers a comprehensive and holistic exploration of the subject matter. The content is presented in a logical and organized manner, making it easy for readers to follow the author’s train of thought.

Writing Style and Language:
Pastor Moses Adedipe’s writing style is both captivating and accessible. His prose is eloquent and flows smoothly, making complex spiritual concepts comprehensible and relatable to readers of all backgrounds. The language used is clear and concise, creating a genuine connection between the author and the reader. Through his heartfelt and authentic voice, Pastor Moses Adedipe imparts a sense of awe and reverence, leading readers to a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s grace.

Insights and Inspiration:
“The Throne of Grace” is a treasure trove of insights and inspiration. Pastor Moses Adedipe skillfully presents the multifaceted nature of grace, touching on its redemptive power, its role in forgiveness and healing, and its ability to transform our lives. The author’s teachings are supported by biblical references, providing a solid foundation for his insights. The book is replete with inspiring stories and personal testimonies that illustrate the transformative impact of encountering God’s grace, igniting hope and encouraging readers to embrace their own journeys of faith.

Editing and Design:
The editing and design of “The Throne of Grace” are commendable. Akinruli Paul’s meticulous editing ensures a seamless flow of ideas and a polished reading experience. The book is free from grammatical errors and typos, reflecting the attention to detail taken during the editing process. The design elements, including the layout, typography, and accompanying visuals, enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the book, contributing to a visually pleasing and engaging reading experience.

“The Throne of Grace” by Pastor Moses Adedipe, published by Mercyland Publishing House and edited and designed by Akinruli Paul, is an exceptional book that invites readers into a profound encounter with the limitless grace of God. Through its insightful teachings, heartfelt narratives, and captivating prose, this book serves as a powerful catalyst for spiritual growth and transformation. Pastor Moses Adedipe’s deep understanding of God’s grace shines through his eloquent writing style, creating an authentic and impactful reading experience. Akinruli Paul’s meticulous editing and thoughtful design further enhance the book’s appeal. “The Throne of Grace” is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding and experience of God’s transforming grace in their lives.

Book Preview

Life is a gift from God. He has given it to everyone to richly enjoy. This wonderful gift of God called life can only be enjoyed maximally when the gift of salvation through the saving grace of the Lord Jesus is embraced by any individual who believes. Ephesians 2:5, 8-9 (KJV) declares,

“5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;); 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast”.

Grace is the expression of God’s power in you to become who He says you will be that you were not. Now, by his grace, you can access life in abundance. Interestingly, the race of life is not a challenge-free race. The race of life navigates through hills and valleys. In other words, the race is typified by ups and downs, good times and bad, high moments and low moments, moments of joy, and moments of sorrow. God programed all these seasons strategically into our lives as Christians and non-believers alike because He created us never to be self-dependent, but rather, to be dependent on Him. Man was created to need the help of his Creator – the Almighty God. David said in Psalms 121:1-3 (KJV)

“1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: 3 he that keepeth thee will not slumber”

In the race of life some fundamental challenges or problems are strong enough to sweep your feet off the ground., which the good God, your Maker is aware of, which will inevitably pull you to Him for His immediate help and intervention. To this effect, He has created a channel through which you and I can access His help invariably. Hebrews 4:16 calls it the “THE THRONE OF GRACE”.

“16 Let us, therefore, come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need”. (KJV).
Often, our major needs as we journey on in life, from where we are, to where we want to be, as destined by God for us, are not material, monetary, or physical, rather, they are emotional and spiritual.

For instance, when sadness, depression, or loneliness assail us and overwhelms our souls. The only place we can go to for help is THE THRONE OF GRACE.
When we are tossed and driven on the restless sea of time; dark skies and howling tempests oft succeed a bright sunshine; our best, next stop is THE THRONE OF GRACE.
When we are often destitute of the things that life demands, when we are confused and depressed, and thoughts of committing suicide prevail in our mind, our best next stop is THE THRONE OF GRACE.

When that voice speaks in our head and says “Do it now and end it all” rings louder than the sound of thunder and the roaring of the sea, in our head, the only place to find refuge and deliverance is, THE THRONE OF GRACE.
When the wants of food, shelter, thirsty hills, and barren lands overwhelm our souls and we have no hope of tomorrow, THE THRONE OF GRACE is the only place we can find strength and hope for the future.

When the trials of life overwhelm our souls, and no one seems to care when our friends depart, and there is no one to care, when we feel as if there’s nowhere to turn to and all we just want to do is to give up or throw in the towel, the only place we can find help in time of need is, THE THRONE OF GRACE.
When the sea of life has tossed us left and right, back and forth and it seems our boat of destiny is about to capsize, the next port of call must be THE THRONE OF GRACE.
Maybe we have lost everything we worked and labored for all our life.

Maybe we look back to our life and we have nothing to show for it, despite all the effort and suffering, the place to turn to is THE THRONE OF GRACE.
Maybe you have tried all your possible best to break through in life and suddenly, here comes a situation that completely kills your dream, the only viable place to turn to is, THE THRONE OF GRACE
Maybe you just find yourself being attacked with unexpected sickness or disease, and the only viable place to turn to is, THE THRONE OF GRACE.
When we thought, the captain of our salvation – Jesus Christ is either sleeping or too busy and we do not understand what we are going through. When we have no hope of a better tomorrow, the place to turn to is THE THRONE OF GRACE.

The Bible tells us what to do during our time of confusion or when we are walking through the valley of the shadow of death, we are to turn straight to THE THRONE OF GRACE. Hebrews 4:16 (KJV) says,

“16 Let us, therefore, comboldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need”.
Can you kindly personalize the verse:
“I will therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that I may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need”.
May you obtain mercy and find grace to help in your times of need in Jesus’ Name.

About the Author

Pastor Moses O. Adedipe

Pastor Moses Adedipe, is a songwriter, composer, recording, and performing artist; a playwright, author, humanitarian and community activist; also a conference and seminar speaker. He is currently the Senior Pastor of Christ Apostolic Revival Center, in Houston, Texas. He teaches and preaches the undiluted Word of God with great passion, wisdom, and anointing.
Moses Adedipe is committed to helping the neglected and the poor in the community and all over the world.
He is also the president and CEO of the African Community Emergency Response Team ( He believes that “Until the poor and the neglected are reached and there is no hunger in the land, the gospel is not complete.” His passion originated from the Word of God, as quoted below:

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world”
– James 1:27

Pastor Moses believes that, until this righteous job is completed, that is when the Christian purpose of living is truly fulfilled.
As a loving father, husband, and family man, Pastor Adedipe is married to Evangelist Catherine O. Adedipe and they are blessed with four children.
Pastor Moses Adedipe writes from a deep personal understanding of the dynamics of how to maximize your potential and fulfill your destiny. He is a minister that is in great demand at conferences and seminars, worldwide. He and his family reside in Houston, Texas, USA.

Other books by the author

  1. Maximizing Life’s Opportunities
  2. Conquering your Giant – Fear
  3. Eviction of the Buyer: The Seller and the Money Changer
  4. The Battle for Destiny
  5. The King is Coming



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